Monday, May 23, 2011

First day at my first externship!

I chose to go to Animal Care Center in Plainfield, IL as my summer externship site and today was my first day on the job. I walked in and we immediately got in a collapsed dog who was having trouble breathing. The head tech intubated him and a vet worked to save him, but he ended up dying on the table.

Then there was a hospitalized cat that the overnight Emergency Center people were worried about. He was lethargic and although he'd flop himself around it was clear he wasn't really aware. He died about an hour later.

Then there was a female Rott from a rescue group who was pregnant. She had had one pup before we arrived and was still working on having the others. It was said that there were 12 pups total in her, but she didn't have another until 8:30am and then she had two a couple hours later. One of those suffocated because she didn't rip the sack off (maybe she didn't notice there were two?). She did great with the others!?! The weird thing was that the puppy was left for hours on the counter and it didn't turn blue. No one wanted to bag it until we were absolutely sure it was gone. The doctors and the head tech all took turns listening with their stethoscopes, then the head tech got out the Doppler and tried with that. Nothing. It was weird.

Around 10am we had a hit by car come in that had a broken pelvis and pneumothorax, but the owners wanted to take it to their vet so all we were able to do is stabilize it.

Of course, in between, there were dentals, spays, vaccines, x-rays, a glucose curve dog, a sedated grooming cat, a lot of manual fecal pulls, some monitoring of anesthesia, and many cages to clean and sweeping to do. All-in-all it was fun. I didn't get to do too much tech work today -a couple blood draws, but I'm sure that once I get the hang of how things work and where things are that will change. All-in-all it was very busy, but fun.

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