Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can't keep up!

I guess I'm too busy to keep this blog up, but I'll be posting about what I'm doing at school here:
if you are interested in following what we do in the JJC Vet Tech program.

That blog is kinda my online resume so I can remember and display what I've done so far in hopes for finding future employment as a Tech.

Otherwise, I may post some more summaries once I can catch my breath again. This program is a TON of fun, but it's a TON of work as well. I'm having a blast, though!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Skin tests and radiology equipment tests

Today we did skin scrape tests, cellophane tape tests, and DTM's in small animal lab and in radiology we did some calibration tests for the collimation light, cassette screens, and a light leakage test for the darkroom. Pretty easy, but useful stuff!

We were also tested on putting together and using a Schioetz tonometer. That wasn't hard either, but the piece of equipment is so fragile and small that it's a challenge for some. It looks like it came from the 1600's or something! :-P